Breastfeeding, the most natural thing in the world….. but not always easy. It can be a very stressful and anxiety loaded time.
We’ve compiled a list of 8 practical tips, peppered with some sage advice from our own personal experience’s as well as chatting to other nursing moms. We’re sure they’ll help make your successful breastfeeding experience easier, both for you and baby. Share your tips with us too in the block at the end of the page and we’ll add them to the list.
1. Relax!
- This is the No. 1 tip because it’s the most important, Rome wasn’t built in a day but try and make this a priority. Little practical things put in place, can really help keep the general stress levels at bay. If we are uncomfortable and stressing, so will your baby feel that stress. Keeping calm and relaxed is vital for a successful experience for nursing.
2. Always have a glass of water handy!
- A personal tip. Always have a big glass of water or other hydrating nutritious drink close at hand because, guaranteed – no sooner did baby settle, happily nursing and I was hit with a thirst that was overwhelming and needed to be sated NOW! Sometimes I could ask someone to bring me something, but often I was alone, and reluctant to disturb my peaceful bambino and so just sat there, parched beyond belief. A small thing, but it really helped when I made sure that I could easily grab that glass of water.
3. Spit up Cloth
- A spit up cloth or two! Especially in the early days, there WILL be spit up and you WILL want to wipe it rather than have drips and mess everywhere. Have a few on hand,all within easy reach!
4. Your Phone..?
- Keep your phone close, but try not to mindlessly scroll. Use this time, as often as possible to just relax and take time out for you. Simply sit with your mini miracle in the moment. Practice some deep breathing if you’re so inclined. Wonderful for your own sense of calm, and general well-being,and for baby too. Breastfeeding can be a magic way to really bond with your baby. They pick up on our energy, if we are stressing, your little one will too. It may feel like the time demands will never end, but trust me it does. The years fly and in no time your beautiful bundle will be hard to pin down and just hold and be with. These moments really are priceless, to use a clichéd term.
5. Get Comfortable
- Make sure you’re in a comfortable position and place. Lie on your bed in your room or a favourite chair with a view if that helps you. There’s nothing worse than a cramping arm that’s holding your little one or a hunched over position and your back starts to ache. A cushion to support baby or you will not go amiss.
- Ensure you won’t be disturbed if for example, you’re sitting there, boobs out and someone coming into the room stresses you for example.
6. Rest and sleep
- Good sleep and regular resting is vital to support your body as it works hard to nurture your baby. Try and squeeze in the odd nap, quite obviously while you’re up for night feeds your sleep is broken – the standard advice of 8 hours a day is impossible! Comfortable lounge and nursing sleepwear that can double up as normal nursing clothing is really helpful in making your new motherhood and breastfeeding experience easier. Taking a comfortable nap whenever you can will most definitely help in the overall journey of being an new mother. It can all be overwhelming and if you’re exhausted its a LOT harder. Lets face it, sleep deprivation is no joke, so go ahead and nap mama, whenever you can!
7. Snacks at the Ready
- Snacks – try and keep something nutritious and easy to nibble on within easy reach. Granola bars, fresh or dried fruit, Healthy Biscuits. Feeding your body is vitally important as its feeding baby too. For good milk production, you will need high quality nutrition so a container or bowl placed close to where you generally breastfeed is simple to put in place and there when you need it!
8. The Right Clothing
- Easy access breastfeeding clothes, tops and dresses that offer quick and easy access are really important. You really don’t want to have to actually undress or totally remove your tops to nurse. Many of our tops and dresses will help you to stop the hungry cries and settle down quickly and calmly to nurse your baby, discreetly!
We hope these 8 Practical Tips for a successful breastfeeding experience help you on your nursing journey. Remember that help is always at hand and if you’re struggling, reach out to trusted friends and family, or professionals for help. There is absolutely no need to suffer silently. You will not be the first to feel overwhelmed and you will not be the last, so take heart and know that you can be helped. Oh and trust yourself too!
Professional Organisations that offer support!
Breastfeeding support
La Leche League– is a voluntary organisation which provides information and support to women who want to breastfeed their babies. La Leche League Leaders are experienced breastfeeding mothers, trained and accredited by LLL, who are happy to help other mothers with questions and concerns about breastfeeding. This one-to-one approach is one of the most effective and friendly ways of getting the support you need.
Post Natal Depression Support
South African Depression and Anxiety Group [SADAG]
“Liz Mills PND Helpline” 0828820076 for immediate help.
Do you have a breastfeeding tip you’d like to share? We’ll add yours to the list!
We’ll even send you a little discount gift code in exchange for your best tips and advice!