Maternity, Pregnancy and Post Partum Support Products – developed by Physiotherapist Julie Klinkert with one important thing in mind –
to Preserve, Protect and Restore your body during and after Pregnancy!
Maternity, Pregnancy and Post Partum Support Products listed here are a proudly South African brand developed by Physiotherapist Julie Klinkert of Bellyway, after years of treating pregnant mommies, and recommended by Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. A support solution during and after pregnancy. Julie Kay preserves your body during this special time and returns you to your desired shape after baby! Maternity and Pregnancy support products are often a must have during and after pregnancy. They relieve the aches and pains of pregnancy and help flatten your belly after baby! The Maternity, Pregnancy and Post Partum Support Products below consist of the Maternity support belt, helping to support your bump, back and pelvis. The Belly Binder for post partum support.
Belly Up Maternity Support Belt
The Belly Up Maternity Support Belt is recommend for the support of your belly, back and pelvic area from as early on as you experience discomfort during pregnancy, right up until the day baby arrives. Many pregnant women are prescribed support belts by their health practitioners and they truly work wonders in alleviating the adverse physical effects of pregnancy!
This is how the belly up support belt will help you…
- Relives the weight of your belly
- Alleviates back pain
- Supports lower back and pelvis
- Improves posture and balance
- Reduces sciatica symptoms
- Alleviates pubic symphysis pain
- Decreases pelvic girdle pain
- Reduces the pull on your back
- Minimizes stretch marks
- Reduces the force on pelvic floor muscles
- Aids incontinence
- Reduces the pressure on your bladder and colon
- Relieves piles
- Reduces round and broad ligament pain
- Reduces stretch on your abdominal muscles
- Improves your circulation
- Reduces swelling
- Activates your belly muscles
- Soft, comfortable and absorbs moisture
- Widens as your belly grows
- Adjusts to your body
How to properly fit the Belly Up Maternity Support Belt
Read more on the importance of a Maternity Support Belt and how they can help HERE
Belly Bye Post Birth Belly Binder
Belly Bye Post birth belly binder assists in getting your shape back!
Belly Bye Post birth belly binder is a post partum belly binder that speeds up recovery and returns your body to normal after baby! Women still have bellies directly after giving birth – this can be hard to accept! Your belly will still protrude due to the stretch that baby has put on your organs, skin and muscles. Swelling, inflammation and remaining fluid also add to your belly size. The Belly Bye Post Partum binder also provides back, abdominal and pelvic support therefore assisting in improving your posture and reducing back and pelvic pain. It can be used directly after natural birth or C-section or natural birth. The compression effect of also reduces swelling and inflammation and allows for improved blood flow and healing.
Belly Bye Post birth belly binder:
- Flattens your belly after baby
- Reduces inflammation and swelling
- Supports your back and pelvis
- Lessens pain after c-section
- Enhances circulation and healing
- Improves your functional ability
- Comfortable and adjustable
- Defines your shape